Friday, October 1, 2010

Charge to make cheaper?

      Today while reading an editorial in the L.A. Times, it got me to thinking about the authors point. I found that, even though the authors' audience was California's legislature and community college board members , his point did make me think about the cost of going to college. The author does not seem to state that (s)he has any credibility in this subject at all. There's no evidence of hers/his knowledge on this subject, other than the gathered information in the editorial.
      The author feels that if California's CC's raise the cost of units, even by just a dollar, it would increase the schools budget by a little over double. (S)he then goes on to say, a ten dollar increase would be the best option because it would(for a full-time student) only be an increase of 300 dollars a year and would "save them money".  The authors logic of this is misplaced though. (S)he feels that the schools tuition money goes to the CC that the student is enrolled in; and in turn, will increase the schools budget.  This is false. Tuition actually goes straight to the State's General Fund. It is in no way, directly related to the CC's stimulus. I found this out by reading a comment made by Anne Elliot.  

      Another thing the author has not thought of would be the cost of things outside of tuition that are increasing as well. Things like food, books, gas, and child care are becoming more expensive. If you add these increases along with an increase in college fees, it could become too expensive for a student to handle. Which will result in the student to drop classes or even quit school. 

      In the end, I completely disagree with the authors idea. California's CC's are already the cheapest(dollar per unit wise) in the nation. They are affordable enough as they are.

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