Friday, October 15, 2010

Bullying Gone Unchecked

Today I read an editorial about bullying, their victims, and what should be done about it. I believe the author of this editorial has made a very good point. The editorial mentions the reality of how common bullying situations tend to be and recent suicide stories stemmed from different types of bullying to provide evidence. The authors intended audience is most likely adults working in public schooling systems. (S)he talks about how bullying(when revealed) goes unsolved because of the schools misguided handling on it.  The author believes the school system officials should "deliver the necessary strong statements of outrage, followed by meaningful action."

I, personally, completely agree with the author. I have witnessed bullying go on throughout schools unchecked and unpunished. Bullies do, generally, have an extreme effect on their victims. This effect hurts by injecting stress, shame, and discontent into the victims lives. It is completely wrong and actions need to be taken against school bullies. At the end of the editorial, the author gives a few suggestions as to what could be done. Things like taking the bully off a sports team, rejecting access to school dances, or not allowing participation in class are very realistic punishments that could(and should) be carried out. Bullies should not go unpunished.

Although I'm unsure on the author's credibility in this particular subject, the editorial makes great points and I believe (s)he has good logic. Bullying is indeed, a major problem in today's society; it needs to be addressed, handled, and eventually ended.

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